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Uzbekistan Consulates in Foreign Countries

Today 42 diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan operate in foreign countries and international organizations, including Permanent Missions of Uzbekistan to the UN in New York and the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva. Today 10 Uzbekistan Consulates General operate in various countries of the world.

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Athens
Address: 64 Demokratias Str., P.Psychiko 15254, Athens, Greece
Tel: (30-210) 685-70-77
Fax: (30-210) 683-62-85
Website: www.greece.mfa.uz
E-mail: embuzb@otenet.gr

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Bangkok
Address: 83/4, Soi Vithayu 1, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan District, Bangkok 10330, Тhailand
Tel: (662) 675-39-95, 675-39-96
Fax: (662) 651-56-02 
Website: www.uzbinbkk.com
Е-mail: ankhor@uzbinbkk.com

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Dubai
Address: P.O.Box; 50478, Street #3, Umm Hurair First, Bur Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: (9714) 370-60-60
Fax: (9714) 370-60-63
Website: www.uzbekistanconsulate.ae 
Е-mail: uzbekconsulate.ae@mail.ru

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Frankfurt
Address: Zeppelinallee 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel: (4969) 915-011-110
Fax: (4969) 915-011-115
Website: www.gk-usbekistan.de 
E-mail: gk.usbekistan@gmail.com

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Jeddah
Address: Al-Naeem/4 District, Abu Al-Hajjaj Al-Mosali Street, Villa #7. P.O. Box 50036, Jeddah 23621, Saudi Arabia
Tel: (96612) 607-72-50
Fax: (96612) 607-72-60
Website: www.uzbekconsuljeddah.com 
Е-mail: gkjiddauz@mail.ru

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Istanbul
Address: Levent Mah. Levent Cad. Lale Sk. 8 Beşiktaş, İstanbul, Turkey
Tel: (90212) 229-00-75, 323-20-37
Fax: (90212) 323-20-40
Website: uzconsulate.org.tr 
E-mail: uzbekconsul@yahoo.com

Uzbekistan Consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif
Address: Afghanistan, Mazori Sharif, 3-nohiya, Guzari Khoja Hayroniya 44
Tel: (9350) 200-27-13, (8376) 502-14-02
E-mail: uzmazarconsulate@rambler.ru

Uzbekistan Consulate General in New York
Address: 801 2nd Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: (1212) 754-74-03
Fax: (1212) 838-9812
Website: www.uzbekconsulny.org
E-mail: info@uzbekconsulny.org

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Novosibirsk
Address: 55B, Lomonosova Str., Novosibirsk
Tel: (7383) 246-04-85 
Fax: (7383) 246-04-62
Website: www.uzbekistan.nsk.ru
E-mail: consul2011@inbox.ru

Uzbekistan Consulate General in Shanghai
Address: №258, Wu Song Road, Hong Kou District Yao Jiang Development Centre, Room 801, Shanghai, China
Tel: (8621) 630-718-96
Fax: (8621) 632-460-99
Website: www.uzconsul-sh.com
E-mail: cg_uzbekistan@126.com

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Nations
Address: 801 2nd Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: (1212) 482-42-42
Fax: (1212) 486-79-98
Website: www.un.int/uzbekistan
E-mail: uzbekistan@un.int